
Alfredstrasse 22 • 10365 Berlin • Fon: 030 29 36 31 40 • 

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Applepie & Pumpkin Logo. ApplePie & Pumpkin ünterstützen unsere Englischkurse für Kinder und Schüler.
The English Lion Logo.

Einstufungstest Englisch Mittelstufe

Alternativ haben wir auch einen Einstufungstest Englisch für die Grundstufe zur Auswahl.

Derzeit nur für PCs und Querformat-Tablets verfügbar.

Bitte Antworten ankreuzen!

1. Many teachers ___ their students should learn a foreign language.

2. Learning a second language is not the same ___ learning a first language.

3. It takes ___ to learn any language.

4. It is said that Chinese is perhaps the world's ___ language to master.

5. English is quite difficult because of all the exceptions ___ have to be learnt.

6. You can learn the basic structures of a language quite quickly, but only if you ___ make an effort.

7. A lot of people aren't used ___ grammar in their own language.

8. Many adult students of English wish they ___ their language studies earlier.

9. In some countries students have to spend a lot of time working ___ their own.

10. There aren't ___ easy ways of learning a foreign language in your own country.

11. Some people try to improve their English by ___ the BBC World Service.

12. ___ with a foreign family can be a good way to learn a language.

13. It's no use ___ to learn a language just by studying a dictionary.

14. Many students of English ___ take tests.

15. Some people think it's time we all ___ a single international language.

16. George Miller is a teacher at a High School in Manchester. He

17. the staff of the school in 1997 and

18. ever since. Before

19. to Manchester, he taught in France and in Nothern Ireland, and before that he

20. a student at Oxford University. So far he

21. in Manchester for as long as he was in Northern Ireland, but he likes the city a lot and

22. like to stay there for at least another two years, or,

23. he puts it, until his two children

24. grown up a bit. He met his wife, Julia, in 1992 while he

25. abroad for a while, and they got married in 1995. Their two children, Sandra and Stephen

both born in Manchester.

26. Please write a short text (about 30 words) in English giving your reasons for wishing to learn English

The English Lion Logo.

Lichtenberger Sprachinstitut

Alfredstrasse 22 • 10365 Berlin

Fon: 030 29 36 31 40 

Kontakt zur Sprachschule per email

Applepie & Pumpkin Logo. ApplePie & Pumpkin ünterstützen unsere Englischkurse für Kinder und Schüler.

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